on the way to where i was going,
111 Australia Street
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This mural was funded by Inner West Council as part of Edge Newtown 2019 and reflects the history and sense of vibrancy in Camperdown. There is a sense of constant movement in the suburb with people walking and driving to the local parks and to nearby Newtown. The three female figures at various ages on the wall hint at the passing of time and also represent the many figures seen moving through Camperdown on the way to where they are going.
The mural is made up of images taken in consultation with local residents in sessions held close to the wall site. They show buildings and people connected to Camperdown. More information on the pictures and stories included in the wall can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/pg/On-the-way-to-where-I-was-going-108489913822522/posts/?ref=page_internal
Image credit Jessica Davey Photo