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The Erko Bird Project - murals, stencil art and community workshops.

Did you know small birds such as fairy wrens, spotted pardalotes and silvereyes used to be a common sight in Sydney?

Since 2014 small bird populations have declined by over 50% mostly due to lack of habitat and being pushed out by predators and other bigger birds.

Click on the green buttons below to see what we've done so far on the project and learn about what we can do to help stop this trend and bring these small birds back into Sydney. Take a walking tour around Erskineville and find all of the fairy wren stencils. Or come and enjoy the mural being painted at Flora and Knight reserve.

Click to see what we've been up to

Click to access a walking tour of the stencilled fairy wrens

More online information on how to help small birds via these links:

This project is supported by

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